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Sweet and Spicy Pickles

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Copycat Circle K Slushy/7-11 Slurpee!!

With the nicer weather finally upon us I think it's only fitting to make some cold drinks/treats. I love eating ice, I especially love a good slushy (i'm Canadian so that's what I will be calling this from here on). The crunch of perfectly fluffy ice is magic. I originally found this recipe at , I'm not exactly sure who was the first to do it, I found hundreds online.  This is pretty easy but can get messy.  You will need a carbonated beverage of some sort. The carbonation actually gives you a fluffy ice rather than a crushed ice texture. When I was a teenager I worked at a Mac's (the same company as a Circle K, Mikes mart, etc.) So I remember changing the syrups from the slushy machines I believe that even the "juice" flavours were carbonated. But if you have a Soda Stream you can carbonate anything. That being said select your carbonated beverage of choice (I'm using Coke because that's actually my favourite Slushy flavo...

Fry Stand Fries, At Home.

I used to think achieving fry stand quality fries at home was out of the question. I guess I just assumed it was something you needed an industrial fryer for, or a special kind of potatoes. See the thing was I just didn't know. Then I started dabbling if you will, with making baked fresh cut fries, they were good but they are not the fry stand fries. Not the kind of fries you want to smother in gravy and top with cheese curds (I know, I know my Canadian is showing). Not the kind of fries you want to make a whole batch of my fry sauce for. (keep reading for the recipe, you won't regret it). More like just good ketchup fries. I finally put on my big girl pants, bought a frying thermometer and very cautiously tried to deep fry them on my stove. Man, what a world of difference, but the real change came when I started doing a series of things.  Such as soaking the potatoes after cutting for hours, and double frying, salting the second they come out of  the hot oil.  The...

Garlic Butter Shrimp Perfection!

I know in the past I've said I can't pick favourites been my recipes and I think I have previously named my  Copycat Jack Astors Bruschetta  as one of my top three...and it is, oh is it ever. But so is my garlic butter shrimp. Which leaves just one open spot in my top three which, I will leave at that. Like a guessing game, but I will never tell. 😋 This recipe has made it into my top three for a couple of reasons first can have it on the table, start to finish in 15 minutes - serious. Second being, it's just THAT good. Worth the food coma from the half a loaf of baguette I ate mopping up the butter.   If you're one of my three 😅 loyal followers (you know who you are...heeyy) you know I have previously named 2 of my 3 least favourite cooking chores. Well the time is upon us...we have come across least favourite cooking chore #2....peeling shrimp. I know it's not difficult, but I just don't like it. It's not even that tedious, it literally...

Sun-dried Tomato & Cheddar Chicken Pasta

I usually throw together a pasta of sorts at least once a week. A couple weeks ago I threw this pasta together, sat down at the table with Jay, my 3 year old and my 1.5 year old only to find everyone quiet and EATING. Both my toddlers licked their bowls clean. Jay went back for not only seconds, but thirds. Listen, if you have toddler or if you remember these days you probably know dinner time is usually a fight full of drama, excuses, "yucks" (even if they loved it a week ago) and quite honestly the dinner fight is my least favourite time of the day. But, I make it my mission to give my kids fully seasoned, flavourful, foods that are exactly what Jay and I are eating almost every night. This is by no means is a "how to parent" post, but I feel like I can at least say giving your kids whatever you're eating, and not feeding them bland flavourless food will only benefit them, and you in the long run. Anyway I knew this recipe was a keeper. I actually think I gr...

Grilled Chicken Bahn Mi

The bahn mi....Vietnamese street food and perfect sandwich in my opinion...tangy, salty, a bit sweet and a tad spicy topped with in the best herb cilantro! I am a sandwich lover and if I had to pick a favourite style of food it would most defiantly be Asian food in general, Mexican or my mother in-laws cooking in general is a close second. The flavour profile of most Asian food is well balanced and packed with flavour. The bahn mi sandwich checks all the boxes for me. Now, I do have to say making a bahn mi is not a quick throw together sandwich, it takes a bit of planning and prep before hand, but that being said the components of the sandwich can be prepared the night before and the day of eating cook the chicken and assemble the sandwiches pretty quickly. Marinading your chicken is essential! The chicken in a bahn mi is marinaded to perfection for at least 4 hours ahead of time. I would do the morning of or the night before. Start with slicing up your chi...